Music production is going well so far! Today, I have made the main synth/lead. I'm not sure really what to call it. For creating them, I used a plugin on Ableton called Vital. It uses different shaped sound waves like sine, square, and triangle waves and modifies them to create new, original sounds. On Vital, I found a really interesting preset. The effects applied like compression and distortion make the synth sound almost like a distorted guitar in a grunge rock song. It gave some very interesting texture to it. There was some reverb and delay on it, which made it sound too echo-y and the phase shifter almost was like a wah-wah pedal. I changed the distortion settings to be a hard clip, which increased the "harshness" of the distortion and decreased the dry/wet percent, which reduces the overall volume of the distortion effect compared to the original sound. I didn't change the compression effects much, just decreased the amount of low frequencies. I added an equalizer filter that removes some high frequencies. I added a little touch of glide to make the notes almost glide into each other. Below are some screenshots of what I did.
I want to automate the decay, where I start the song with the decay being very short, making the synth sound more like plucks. Over 8 measures, I increase the sustain time, which makes them fade out less and sound more like synths compared to plucks. The effects will be more noticeable with more decay time.
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