Sunday, April 2, 2023

A Rush of Blood to the Ed(iting)

    It's time to start editing the opening! After removing the blooper clips, I sorted them into 3 scenes. This was easy because I knew that I filmed scenes 1 and 3 a day before scene 2. When sorting into scene 1, I made the actions on camera match up with the music. For example, when the clone on the piano asks for some drums, the camera shows Oliver on the computer playing the drums using the keyboard. I color coded the clips to match the scenes so it would be easy for me to visualize how long each scene would be and which clips belong with which scenes. Also, I tried to be neatish.

    For the clone shots, I made a mask of a frame with one clone in the frame and overlayed it onto another with Oliver. This works well, but you have to hide the mask edges well. Here, I hid mine on the edge of the window and wall.

    For the title, I decided to rotoscope it in the last scene. I would walk from the right to left, and have the title show behind me. That took some time, but it wasn't too tedious. However the second part was very, so very tedious. I would have William come in front of the title. This meant I had to rotoscope not just his back but his front. It was so frustrating and tedious. This took me almost an hour to rotoscope 3ish seconds of 30fps footage.

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