For my 2nd CCR, I decided to make a podcast. This is a continuation of the story in the 1st CCR, where I was calling into this podcast. To make it more funny and engaging, I decided to use the new trend of American presidents like Obama, deepfaked audio into my podcast. I created the script, which reflected the last 2 questions of the CCR. I recorded myself speaking the entirety of it, even the parts where Obama was supposed to be speaking. This is for reference audio, where the AI will convert it into Obama's voice. I found a website that allowed for deep faked audios of celebrities and used reference audio, called The best part was that it was free! I cut out the parts where I was speaking and saved them into another audio file for later. I used Ableton, the music software I used to make my music, to form the podcast. I listened to Obama's questions in it, and I noticed how many times it was almost stuttering on a word for almost 30 seconds. Thankfully, the AI fixed itself so I can cut out the stutters. I realized that most podcasts have some intro music that sets the podcast's tone. I didn't want to make another song because of how tedious it was and time constraints, so I went onto the YouTube Audio Library. This has songs that are non-copyrighted and allows anyone to use them for any use. I searched for songs under the bright tag and found the song "Fun Kid" by Quincas Moreira. The intro was playful and informal, which was perfect for the podcast. I used about the first 10 seconds for it, because the music would be too distracting if I kept it for the entirety of the podcast. With my audio where I answered the questions, I put them into an Adobe Podcast Enhance Speech program, which would reduce the amount of noise. The program was very good at removing noise and hums. I put this into the timeline in Ableton and made cuts where I was "waiting" for Obama to question me. I made cuts to Obama's audio where he finishes answering questions. With this, I just had to order it all so that when Obama was asking a question, I was answering it. This was a fairly straightforward process but it took some time to make it all.
Here is the script:
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